We free smart businesses to work on hard problems, regardless of their niche or industry.

We eliminate the design workload that comes with running a company. We believe that businesses should focus on the hard stuff—and let The Futures become their on-demand design team.

ATTENTION: Consultants, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs

Automatically Re-Engage Conversions and Fill Your Calendar With Booked Appointments Using This Often Overlooked "Old School" Marketing Strategy With A New Modern Software

ATTENTION: Consultants, Coaches, and Entrepreneurs

Automatically Re-Engage Conversions and Fill Your Calendar With Booked Appointments Using This Often Overlooked "Old School" Marketing Strategy Fixed Using A Modern Day Software

Your Customers' Birthday Is

A Special Day 🥳

Unlike other holidays that are special for everyone, your customers' birthday is THEIR special day.

It’s also a PROVEN fact that many people spend more money during their birthday month compared to other times of the year.

This is an amazing opportunity reach out and nurture the relationships with your top clients during the most important day of their entire year.

Your Customers' Birthday Is

A Special Day 🥳

Unlike other holidays that are special for everyone, your customers' birthday is THEIR special day.

It’s also a PROVEN fact that many people spend more money during their birthday month compared to other times of the year.

This is an amazing opportunity reach out and nurture the relationships with your top clients during the most important day of their entire year.

Unlike other holidays that are special for everyone, your customers' birthday is THEIR special day.

It’s also a PROVEN fact that many people spend more money during their birthday month compared to other times of the year.

This is your chance to do something that will create a connection and allow your brand to stay top of mind on the most important day of their year.

Connect with your customers on their birthdays and simplify your brand's birthday marketing strategy

What Does This Software Do:

Step 1

Scans Your Facebook Friends List And Converts It Into A .CSV File

Fill missing data points such as birthday month and date, full name, and social profile URL in your CRM so you can quickly start running birthday marketing campaigns

Step 2

Add Important Birthdays To Your Google Calendar With 1 Click

Easily share notes, gift ideas and follow up tasks with your employees for VIP clients on a separate calendar with desktop, email, and mobile push notification alerts

Step 3

Sends On Auto-Pilot Personalized Facebook Birthday Messages

Once you customize your birthday message to be sent at a specific time every day it will automatically send so you'll never miss an important clients' birthday ever again

Import Friends

Instantly downloads

all your Facebook friends birthday data

Upload Birthdays

Add important VIPS to your

Google Calendar and set reminders

Send Birthday Messages

Schedule messages

to be send on or before their birthday

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Connect with your customers on their birthdays and simplify your brand's marketing birthday strategy

Step 1

Scans Your Facebook Friends List And Converts It Into A .CSV File

Fill missing data points such as birthday month and date, full name, and social profile URL in your CRM so you can quickly start running birthday marketing campaigns

Step 2

Add Important Birthdays To Your Google Calendar With 1 Click

Easily share notes, gift ideas and follow up tasks with your employees for VIP clients on a separate calendar with desktop, email, and mobile push notification alerts

Step 3

Sends On Auto-Pilot Personalized Facebook Birthday Messages

Once you customize your birthday message to be sent at a specific time every day it will automatically send so you'll never miss an important clients' birthday ever again

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Join The Birthday Revolution

Birthdays are a huge opportunity for businesses to reach out to their clients and show their appreciation.

Connect with your customers on their birthdays and simplify your brand's marketing strategy.

People love hearing the words "Happy Birthday" from each other

It is a great opportunity to get in contact with your customers

It sets you apart from your competition and shows you care

You can offer special or coupons before, during, and after their birthday

It builds customer loyalty and keeps your brand at the top of their mind

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Join The Birthday Marketing Revolution

Birthdays are a huge opportunity for businesses to reach out to their clients and show their appreciation.

Connect with your customers on their birthdays and simplify your brand marketing strategy.

People love hearing the words "Happy Birthday"

from each other

It is a great opportunity to get in contact

with your customers

It sets you apart from your competition

and shows you really, truly care

You can offer special discounts and

promotions for their birthday

It builds customer loyalty and

strengthens the relationship

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Jumpstart Your Birthday Marketing Plan

In Just 3 Simple Steps With Birthday Assistant

How It Works:

Birthday Assistant Works With Google Calendar And

Your Facebook Account To Send Schedule Messages

In Just 3 Simple Steps

Birthday Assistant Works With Google Calendar and Your Facebook Account


Step 1: Download Birthday Data -

Including Profile URLs from Facebook

Including Profile URLs from Facebook

Easily installs on your Chrome Browser and doesn't slow down your computer

Grabs your Facebook Friends' first and last name, profile URL, and birthday month and date

Instantly downloads to a .CSV file so you can update contacts' birthday fields in your CRM

How It Works:

Birthday Assistant Works With Google Calendar And

Your Facebook Account To Send Schedule Messages


Step 1

Download Birthday Data

Including Profile URLs from Facebook

With just a couple of clicks it easily installs on your Chrome Browser and doesn't slow down your computer

Grabs your Facebook Friends' first and last name, profile URL, and birthday details such as month and date

Instantly download to a .CSV file so you can update contacts' birthday fields in your marketing CRM


Step 2

Import Data - Organize your data into Google Calendar for upcoming events

Add notes, gift ideas, and share birthday reminders with your staff by email or desktop notifications

Includes a link to access your friends' Facebook profile quickly so you can prepare for outreach

Color coordinate and label important birthdays to stand out on your team's calendars

Import Data - Organize your data into Google Calendar for upcoming events

Add notes, gift ideas, and share birthdays with staff by email reminders or desktop notifications

Includes a link to access your friends' Facebook profile quickly so you can prepare for outreach

Color coordinate and label important birthdays to stand out on your team's calendars


Step 3

Reach Out To Clients Through Your CRM or on Facebook Messenger

Reward your clients and build a loyal following by just saying "Hi" or giving them something special on the most important day of their year

Send birthday coupons, offers, gifts and happy birthday messages to stay at the top of your customer’s mind and ensure they continue to spend money with you

Schedule personalized messages and easily plan for important birthdays which will lead to more conversations and sales

Reach Out To Clients Through Your

CRM or on Facebook Messenger

Reward your clients and build a loyal following by just saying "Hi" or giving them something special on the most important day of their year

Send birthday coupons, offers, gifts and happy birthday messages to stay at the top of your customer’s mind and ensure they continue to spend money with you

Schedule personalized messages and easily plan for important birthdays which will lead to more conversations and sales

Perfect For Any Industry

Birthday Assistant is perfect for all kinds of businesses. Here are a few reasons why you need to get Birthday Assistant today:

If you wait, the price will increase after this official launch and not include all the features and updates

Birthday Assistant makes it easier than ever to get the most out of your birthday campaigns

Get more conversations rolling and instantly save you time and put money in your pocket

You’ll be able to get started with Birthday Assistant right away as it’s extremely easy to use

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Hear what happy customers are saying...

Join other businesses already capitalizing on the birthday reminder revolution

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

Our Risk-Free Offer

Try Birthday Assistant Pro Risk-Free with our full refund promise

14 Day Free

PRO Account Trial

30 Day Money

Back Guarantee

Premium Chat

And Email Support


1 Pro License with

Lifetime Updates

Quick Start

Birthday Blueprint

15 Birthday

Marketing Videos

Our Risk-Free Offer

Try Birthday Assistant Pro Risk-Free with our full refund promise

14 Day Free

PRO Account Trial


30 Day Money

Back Guarantee


Premium Chat

And Email Support


1 Pro License with

Lifetime Updates


Quick Start

Birthday Blueprint


15 Birthday

Marketing Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is Birthday Assistant easy to set up and use?

A: Yes, it’s 100% newbie-friendly, no special skills or experience needed

Q: Who is this software for? Is it for me?

A: Anybody wanting more repeat clients, regardless of your industry

Q: Who is this software for? Is it for me?

A: Anybody wanting more repeat clients, regardless of your industry

Q: Does this work with Facebook's new layout?

A: Yes, the Birthday Assistant extension works on the new Facebook layout

About The Founder

Hi, I'm Allen Kotlyar!

I was taught at a very young age to remember the birthdays of my friends and family members, but keeping track of it can be very overwhelming in anybody's busy life.

I carried this into adulthood and quickly found that even my clients LOVE hearing from me on their birthdays. Although birthdays are usually a personal event celebrated with friends and family it could be much more of a memorable day when people reach out to you with well wishes.

It can be a perfect time to reach out to your clients and show them how much you appreciate them and their business with a meanful message sent on auto-pilot using Birthday Assistant.

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

$495 One Time or $97 Per Month, With No Contract

Try Birthday Assistant Pro Risk-Free with our no questions asked full 14 day refund promise

Early Beta Launch Pricing!

$495 One Time or $97 Per Month, With No Contract

Try Birthday Assistant Pro Risk-Free with our full 14 day refund promise

2022 All Rights Reserved. Birthday Assistant is not a part of Facebook and/or Google Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or any other mentioned softwares in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. Privacy Policy Terms of Service

2022 All Rights Reserved. Birthday Assistant is not a part of Facebook and/or Google Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn or any other mentioned softwares in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. Privacy Policy Terms of Use

Social Media Management

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